John Smith Pipeline Project - ADDENDA 2 & 3 Issued

Bid Addendum No. 2 and Bid Addendum No. 3 are released for jthe John Smith Pipeline Project - Best Road Butual Water Company Consolidation Project.
Addendum No. 3 includes questions and answers submitted through 12/26/2024.
Addendum No. 3Addendum No. 2 includes key changes in the Plans, Specifications, and Bid Documents to include additional pipe work at Sunnyslope's Well #5 Site.
Addendum No. 2
Bid Addendum No.1 is released for the John Smith Pipeline Project - Best Road Mutual Water Company Water System Consolidation Project.
A significant notice in Addendum No.1 is Bid Opening Date is changed to 3:00 PM on January 7th, 2025
The official Addendum, Pre-Bid Meeting Q&A, and Pre-Bid Sign-in sheet are attached.
Addendum No. 1Pre-Bid Meeting Sign-in Sheet
Sunnyslope County Water District kindly requests bid submissions from qualified and licensed construction firms for the John Smith Pipeline Project with the scope of work generally described as follows:
1. New Potable Water Service:
- Approximately 4,360 LF of 8” DR 18 C900 water main in John Smith Road, extending from the existing SSCWD mainline in Fairview Road, at the intersection with John Smith Road, to the existing BRMWC mainline in Heatherwood Lane.
- Approximately 80 LF of 8” CL 350 ductile iron water main in John Smith Road, in a shallow trench section in the alignment described in Para.1.A.1.a.
- Six (6) new cast iron fire hydrant assemblies per SSCWD Standards.
- Three (3) new 1” combination air and vacuum release valves, with associated fittings and appurtenances, per SSCWD Standards.
2. Abandonment of Existing Wells:
- Two (2) existing groundwater wells will be abandoned following CA Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bulletin 74-81 and Bulletin 74- 90, per Title 15 PUBLIC WORKS, Chapter 15.05 WATER, §15.05.060 WELL STANDARDS of the San Benito County Code of Ordinances.
Important Dates:
- Bid Opening Date: 3:00 PM on December 19, 2024, at Sunnyslope County Water District Office
- Pre-Bid & Job Site Walk Meeting: 10:00 AM on December 9, 2024, at Sunnyslope County Water District Office.
Additional Information: See the attachment for Bid Instructions, Detail Scope of Work, Specifications, etc.
Contact Information:
Questions regarding this bid offering may be directed to the District staff listed below:
- Rob Hillebretch, Principal Engineer,, (831) 637-4670
- Alvin Do, Assistant Engineer,, (831) 637-4670
** To be placed on the Plan Holders list, please email District staff to receive future notices or communications of responses.
Bid Documents, Forms, and Project SpecificationsProject Plans and Drawings