Leak Adjustment
When a Sunnyslope customer discovers and repairs a water leak, they may request that their water bill be adjusted if they meet the following criteria.
- The written request must be within 30 days after the end of the billing period during which the customer repairs the leak.
- The water consumed must be at least 50% over normal consumption for the same time of year, OR
- The water consumption charges must be at least $100 over the prior year bills for the same time of year.
Customers are eligible for leaks outside their direct control once every five years.
Customers are eligible for Avoidable leaks only one in their lifetime.
The cost of water from the leak will not be forgiven, but excess water usage above the customer's normal amount will be charged at the lowest billing tier.
For more information on the leak adjustment, download this summary sheet or the full official policy.
Leak Adjustment SummaryPolicy 8500 Leak AdjustmentIf you qualify for a leak adjustment and would like to apply for it, please fill in and submit the two forms below.
Leak Adjustment ApplicationAcknowledge One-Time Leak Credit