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About Us

Sunnyslope County Water District was formed December 17, 1954 as a California Special District pursuant to the California County Water District Act, §30000 et seq., to furnish water and wastewater services to residents of the District in San Benito County, California. 

The District’s water system serves potable water to about 7,500 homes and businesses in approximately 4 square miles of the City of Hollister and surrounding areas through 100 miles of pressurized pipes, storage tanks, and pumps.  Water is supplied by 5 local District-owned groundwater wells and by surface water imported by San Benito County Water District and treated at the Lessalt and West Hills Water Treatment Plants. 

The District’s wastewater system consists of collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater for the area consisting of about 1,260 homes  in the Ridgemark Estates,  Creek and Quail Hollow neighborhoods.  Sunnyslope maintains and operates about 13 miles of gravity sewer, 4 sewer lift stations, the Ridgemark Sequential Batch Reactor Wastewater Treatment Plant, and 3 percolation disposal ponds for the wastewater system.

The District is a proprietary entity and uses enterprise fund accounting to report its activities for financial statement purposes.  Proprietary funds are reported using the accrual basis of accounting and account for activities in a manner similar to private business enterprises.  The intent of the governing body is that the cost (including depreciation) of providing goods and services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed primarily through user rates, fees, and charges.